
This is a collection of movies I made from the simulations I use for my research.

The ISM in a FIRE-2 galaxy

This movie shows the evolution of a galaxy (left) and a zoomed-in patch (right). The circles on the right represent young star clusters (less than 8 Myr old), and they turn from blue to white as they age. This simulation was perfomed using the GIZMO MFM MHD code.

Stellar feedback affecting galaxy evolution

This movie has two galaxies evolved from the same initial conditions under the same physics, but the effects of stellar feedback in the galaxy on the right are turned off at redshift zero. This simulation was perfomed using the GIZMO MFM MHD code.

Turbulent star forming gas in a part of a GMC

This movie shows a simulation of turbulent gas in a box. This simulation was perfomed using the FLASH MHD code.

Protostellar disks in a turbulent star forming medium

This movie follows a 0.1 pc region around the maximum density in the simulation. The simulation itself is a 2 pc box with periodic boundary conditions aimed at mimic a part of a Giant Molecular Cloud. This simulation was perfomed using the FLASH MHD code.

Zooming in to collapse from kpc to sub-pc

This movie shows the collapse of a GMC from kpc scales to sub-pc scales. This is a simulation combining the FIRE and STARFORGE frameworks within the GIZMO code. The cyan circles represent individual STARFORGE sink (star) particles, whereas the white circles represent the FIRE star (SSP) particles.